04:15 - 04:30 PM

Opening Remarks

04:30 - 05:00 PM

Samanantar: The Largest Publicly Available Parallel Corpora Collection for 11 Indic Languages

by Mitesh Khapra
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We present Samanantar, the largest publicly available parallel corpora collection for Indic languages. The collection contains a total of 46.9 million sentence pairs between English and 11 Indic languages (from two language families). In particular, we compile 12.4 million sentence pairs from existing, publicly-available parallel corpora, and we additionally mine 34.6 million sentence pairs from the web, resulting in a 2.8X increase in publicly available sentence pairs. We mine the parallel sentences from the web by combining many corpora, tools, and methods. In particular, we use (a) web-crawled monolingual corpora, (b) document OCR for extracting sentences from scanned documents (c) multilingual representation models for aligning sentences, and (d) approximate nearest neighbor search for searching in a large collection of sentences. Human evaluation of samples from the newly mined corpora validate the high quality of the parallel sentences across 11 language pairs. Further, we extracted 82.7 million sentence pairs between all 55 Indic language pairs from the English-centric parallel corpus using English as the pivot language. We trained multilingual NMT models spanning all these languages on Samanantar and compared with other baselines and previously reported results on publicly available benchmarks. Our models outperform existing models on these benchmarks, establishing the utility of Samanantar. Our data and models will be available publicly and we hope they will help advance research in Indic NMT and multilingual NLP for Indic languages.

05:15 - 05:45 PM

Human Centred XAI

by Mor Vered
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Human Centred XAI focuses not only on conveying information regarding an AI's internal reasoning process, but also considering that this information needs to be consumed by people and therefore we must generate explanations built on cognitive theories which take into account human situation awareness models. I will give a few examples from my work whereby cognitive inspired explanations were used to mitigate automation bias and increase user trust and reliance, and talk about the importance of co-design and a human-centred approach.

06:00 - 06:30 PM

Artificial Intelligence, Radiomics and Pathomics: Implications for Precision Medicine

by Anant Madabhushi
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Traditional biology generally looks at only a few aspects of an organism at a time and attempts to molecularly dissect diseases and study them part by part with the hope that the sum of knowledge of parts would help explain the operation of the whole. Rarely has this been a successful strategy to understand the causes and cures for complex diseases. The motivation for a systems based approach to disease understanding aims to understand how large numbers of interrelated health variables, gene expression profiling, its cellular architecture and microenvironment, as seen in its histological image features, its 3 dimensional tissue architecture and vascularization, as seen in dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE) MRI, and its metabolic features, as seen by Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) or Positron Emission Tomography (PET), result in emergence of definable phenotypes. At the Center for Computational Imaging and Personalized Diagnostics (CCIPD) at Case Western Reserve University, we have been developing computerized knowledge alignment, representation, and fusion tools for integrating and correlating heterogeneous biological data spanning different spatial and temporal scales, modalities, and functionalities. These tools include computerized feature analysis methods for extracting subvisual attributes for characterizing disease appearance and behavior on radiographic (radiomics) and digitized pathology images (pathomics). In this talk I will discuss the development work in CCIPD on new radiomic and pathomic approaches for capturing intra-tumoral heterogeneity and modeling tumor appearance. I will also focus my talk on how these radiomic and pathomic approaches can be applied to predicting disease outcome, recurrence, progression and response to therapy in the context of prostate, brain, rectal, oropharyngeal, and lung cancers. Additionally I will also discuss some recent work on looking at use of pathomics in the context of racial health disparity and creation of more precise and tailored prognostic and response prediction models

07:00 - 07:45 PM

Blind Men and an Explanation: Towards a Unifying Perspective on Explainable AI

by Subbarao Khambampati
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Explanations have been studied in the AI literature under multiple settings and guises, and have become particularly popular with the recent interest in explainable AI systems. However, like the proverbial blind men trying to describe their perspective of the elephant, the perspectives and prescriptions tend to be quite disparate and incomplete. In this talk, I will argue that explainable behavior and explanations are best understood in terms of the mental models--especially those the AI system constructs of the behavior and expectations of the human in the loop. The stark surface differences observed among the subcommunities of the Explainable AI universe can then be understood in terms of additional assumptions/restrictions placed by different sub-communities (often done without any explicit admission). I will then talk about a spectrum of challenges in generating explanations, especially in cases where the AI systems reason over representations that are inscrutable to humans. I will argue that AI systems will need to learn and use symbolic models that are comprehensible to humans to explain their decisions--even if they choose not to use such models for their internal reasoning.

08:00 - 08:30 PM

Rethinking the Role of Data in Robust Machine Learning

by Aditi Raghunathan
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Despite notable successes on several carefully controlled benchmarks, current machine learning (ML) systems are remarkably brittle, raising serious concerns about their deployment in safety-critical applications like self-driving cars and predictive healthcare. In this talk, I discuss fundamental obstacles to building robust ML systems and develop principled approaches that form the foundations of robust ML. In particular, I will focus on the role of data and demonstrate the need to question common assumptions when improving robustness to (i) adversarial examples and (ii) spurious correlations. On the one hand, I will describe how and why naively using more data can surprisingly hurt performance in these settings. On the other hand, I will show that unlabeled data, when harnessed in the right fashion, is extremely beneficial and enables state-of-the-art robustness. In closing, I will discuss how to build on the foundations of robust ML and achieve wide-ranging robustness in various domains including natural language processing and vision.

04:30 - 05:00 PM

Explaining Neural Networks: A Causal Perspective

by Vineeth Balasubramaniam
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As deep neural network models get absorbed into real-world applications each day, there is an impending need to explain the decisions of these neural network models. In particular, while existing methods for neural network attributions (for explanations) are largely statistical, we propose a new attribution method for neural networks developed using first principles of causality (to the best of our knowledge, the first such). The neural network architecture is viewed as a Structural Causal Model, and a methodology to compute the causal effect of each feature on the output is presented. With reasonable assumptions on the causal structure of the input data, we propose algorithms to efficiently compute the causal effects, as well as scale the approach to data with large dimensionality. We also show how this method can be used for recurrent neural networks. We report experimental results on both simulated and real datasets showcasing the promise and usefulness of the proposed algorithm. This work was presented as a Long Oral at ICML 2019 (http://proceedings.mlr.press/v97/chattopadhyay19a.html). This talk will also include an overview of our other recent efforts in exploring causal inference towards explainable AI.

05:15 - 05:45 PM

Global-Local Scalable Explanations Using Linear Model Tree

by Narayanan Unny
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Explanations of complex models need to be adapted based on requirements of its application and usage. The explanation can be in the forms of rules or plain feature attributions. It could cover the whole model as global explanations or specific data points as local explanations. This talk would motivate the need to choose the form and granularity of explanations based on the application it is intended for and provide a new explanation method – LMTE that offers the flexibility of forms and granularities of explanations.

06:00 - 06:30 PM

InnoVAE: Using Generative AI to Identify Breakthrough Innovation - Zhaoqi Cheng (CMU), Dokyun Lee (CMU), Prasanna Tambe (UPenn)

by Dokyun Lee
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Can AI recognize breakthrough innovation? We introduce InnoVAE, a variational autoencoder (VAE) that uses generative AI methods to model the innovation recorded in patent documents. InnoVAE situates patents in a latent vector space that enables new synthetic patent generation and promotes interpretability through use of a disentangled representation. We apply these methods on a data set of "computing systems'' patents granted from 1976-2010, and demonstrate their utility on two tasks: (1) identifying technological factors that comprise patents and (2) characterizing the creativity embodied in patents. We demonstrate that this method enables i) comparing patents in exceptionality with respect to specific technology factors (e.g., Automation, Security), ii) fusing patents from different areas to generate new, synthetic patents, and iii) representing firms' technological position in the innovation space. We also correlate innovation levels with a) a market-based measure of patents' economic value [Kogan et al., 2017] and b) their ten-year forward citations. We conclude with a discussion of the potential utility of generative AI methods for business applications.

06:30 - 08:30 PM

Poster Presentations in Gather.Town

04:30 - 05:00 PM

Interpreting deep neural networks for medical image diagnosis using concept graphs

by Ganapathy Krishnamoorthy
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Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have shown practical success in several tasks in the diagnostic medical imaging domain, such as patient deterioration detection using EHR data, brain-tumor segmentation, diabetic retinopathy classification and other image based diagnosis tasks as well. As DNN based techniques become deeply integrated into medical diagnosis, it is necessary to make sure they are transparent and accessible to medical professionals. The black-box nature of deep learning models prevents them from being wholly trusted in this domain. While the need for interpretability in the clinical context has been well emphasized, there is a limited amount of work on developing and applying interpretable deep learning techniques in this area. Most interpretability techniques do not capture the concept-based reasoning that human beings follow; they tend to analyze saliency maps at best. I will talk about our recent work where we attempted to understand the behavior of trained models by building a graphical representation of the concepts learned by deep neural networks and demonstrate it on deep neural network models for Brain Tumor segmentation and fundus image classification.

05:15 - 05:45 PM

RBCDSAI Student Spotlight Talks

Multi-Headed Spatial Dynamic Memory GANs for Text-to-Image Synthesis
by Amrit Diggavi Seshadri

Sequence Neighborhoods Enable Reliable Prediction of Pathogenic Mutations in Cancer Genomes
by Shayantan Banerjee

Reinforcement Learning for Unified Allocation and Patrolling in Signaling Games with Uncertainty
by Aravind Venugopal
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06:00 - 06:30 PM

Best Paper Talks

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07:00 - 07:45 PM

Data analysis with humans

by Samuel Kaski
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Data analysis is usually done by humans or for the use of humans. Why, then, do we not include humans in the models we use for data analysis? I will discuss ways to improve modelling results by taking the human user into account in probabilistic data analysis, by joint modelling of the user and the domain data. The user can have three roles: data source, as in human-in-the-loop machine learning; the final decision maker, who requires understandable and relevant results in the AI-assisted modelling and design process; and an interactive collaborator.

08:00 - 08:30 PM

Provable Representation Learning

by Simon Du
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Representation learning has been widely used in many applications. In this talk, I will present our work, which uncovers when and why representation learning provably improves the sample efficiency, from a statistical learning point of view. I will show 1) the existence of a good representation among all tasks, and 2) the diversity of tasks are key conditions that permit improved statistical efficiency via multi-task representation learning. These conditions provably improve the sample efficiency for functions with certain complexity measures as the representation. If time permits, I will also talk about leveraging the theoretical insights to improve practical performance.

08:30 - 08:45 PM

Closing Remarks