Event-Triggered Control for Nonlinear Systems With Center Manifolds

Published in "IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control"
A. Saradagi , V. Muralidharan , A. D. Mahindrakar , P. Tallapragada

In this work, we consider the problem of event-triggered implementation of control laws designed for the local stabilization of nonlinear systems with center manifolds. We propose event-triggering conditions which are derived from a local input-to-state stability characterization of such systems. The triggering conditions ensure local ultimate boundedness of the trajectories and the existence of a uniform positive lower bound for the inter-event times. The ultimate bound can be made arbitrarily small, by allowing for smaller inter-event times. Under certain assumptions on the controller structure, local asymptotic stability of the origin is also guaranteed. Two sets of triggering conditions are proposed, one for the case where the exact center manifold is known and the other for the case where only an approximation of the center manifold is computable. Two illustrative examples representative of the two scenarios are presented and the applicability of the proposed methods is demonstrated. The second example concerns the event-triggered implementation of a position stabilizing controller for the open-loop unstable Mobile Inverted Pendulum (MIP) robot.