

Since 2018, RBCDSAI trained about 100+ Indian Navy Officers in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning. The officers were trained for two weeks on fundamental topics such as statistics, regression, and advanced topics such as NLP and computer vision. They also underwent a python lab training. Prof. B. Ravindran and Dr. Nandan Sudarsanam initiated the sessions with an Introduction to ML & AI, Introduction to Probability, Probabilistic modelling, Data visualization and simulation, LDA and QDA. Followed by a series of sessions by Prof. B. Ravindran, Prof. Rahul Marathe, Prof. Usha Mohan, Prof. Raghunathan Rengaswamy, Dr. Nandan Sudarsanam, Dr. Mitesh Khapra, Dr. Nirav Bhatt, Dr. Harish Guruprasad, Dr. Sridharakumar Narasimhan, Dr. Arun Ayyar, Sudarsan Santhiappan covering various topics on AI and ML.


About 20+ Senior DRDO scientists attended a two week long advanced course on Reinforcement Learning organized by RBCDSAI. The training program was conducted by Prof. B. Ravindran, Dr. Nandan Sudarsanam, and team.