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B Ravindran
B Ravindran
RePReL: A Unified Framework for Integrating Relational Planning and Reinforcement Learning for Effective Abstraction in Discrete and Continuous Domains
TOMBoost: a topic modeling based boosting approach for learning with class imbalance
An Active Learning Framework for Efficient Robust Policy Search
Automated Incident Location Identification for EMS from Ambulance Geospatial Data
Smooth Imitation Learning via Smooth Costs and Smooth Policies
Metric Learning for comparison of HMMs using Graph Neural Networks
A Joint Training Framework for Open-World Knowledge Graph Embeddings
Reinforcement Learning for Unified Allocation and Patrolling in Signaling Games with Uncertainty
SEERL: Sample Efficient Ensemble Reinforcement Learning
Relational Boosted Bandits
How COVID-19 impacts population movement: A data-driven analysis to study population behavior during a pandemic
AI and Ethics for the Indian Context
Interpretability of Deep Learning Models in Healthcare
Predicting Essential Genes through Network Approach: Deciphering basis of Life
Hypergraph Clustering by Iteratively Reweighted Modularity Maximization
Option Encoder: A Framework for Discovering a Policy Basis in Reinforcement Learning
Finding Influencers in Social Networks: Reinforcement Learning Shows the Way
HPRA: Hyperedge Prediction using Resource Allocation
EMPIR: Ensembles of Mixed Precision Deep Networks for Increased Robustness against Adversarial Attacks
Interpretability With Accurate Small Models
Predicting software defect type using concept-based classification
Towards Accurate Vehicle Behaviour Classification With Multi-Relational Graph Convolutional Networks
Generalized Random Surfer-Pair Models
Let's Ask Again: Refine Network for Automatic Question Generation
Temporal Analysis of a Bus Transit Network
A New Measure of Modularity in Hypergraphs: Theoretical Insights and Implications for Effective Clustering
Adapting Community Detection Algorithms for Disease Module Identification in Heterogeneous Biological Networks
Extra: Transfer-guided exploration
Rate of Change Analysis for Interestingness Measures
Effect of Interlayer Coupling on Multilayer Network Centrality Measures
Edge Replacement Grammars: A Formal Language Approach for Generating Graphs
Studying the Plasticity in Deep Convolutional Neural Networks using Random Pruning
Pack and Detect: Fast Object Detection in Videos Using Region-of-Interest Packing
Learning to Multi-Task by Active Sampling
RAIL: Risk-Averse Imitation Learning
Training a deep learning architecture for vehicle detection using limited heterogeneous traffic data
Using Linear Stochastic Bandits to extend traditional offline Designed Experiments to online settings
Efficient-UCBV: An Almost Optimal Algorithm using Variance Estimates
A novel topic modeling based weighting framework for class imbalance learning
A neural attention based approach for clickstream mining
Tracking and stabilization of mechanical systems using reinforcement learning
A Partial Parameter HMM Based Clustering on Loan Repayment Data: Insights into Financial Behavior and Intent to Repay
Network-based features enable prediction of essential genes across diverse organisms
Learning to Prevent Monocular SLAM Failure using Reinforcement Learning
Improved Insights on Financial Health through Partially Constrained Hidden Markov Model Clustering on Loan Repayment Data
DCEIL: Distributed Community Detection with the CEIL Score
Class Imbalance Learning
Learning to repeat: Fine grained action repetition for deep reinforcement learning
Attend, Adapt, and Transfer: Attentive Deep Architecture for Adaptive Transfer from Multiple Sources in the Same Domain
Thresholding Bandits with Augmented UCB
Role Discovery in Graphs Using Global Features: Algorithms, Applications and a Novel Evaluation Strategy
Diversity driven Attention Model for Query-based Abstractive Summarization
Dynamic Action Repetition for Deep Reinforcement Learning
Predicting Novel Metabolic Pathways through Subgraph Mining
Correlational neural networks
EPOpt: Learning Robust Neural Network Policies Using Model Ensembles
Dynamic frame skip deep q network
HEMI: Hyperedge Majority Influence Maximization
Trust and distrust across coalitions: shapley value based centrality measures for signed networks
Bridge correlational neural networks for multilingual multimodal representation learning
Hierarchical activity recognition for dementia care using Markov Logic Network
Attend, Adapt and Transfer: Attentive Deep Architecture for Adaptive Transfer from multiple sources
Nonparametric Poisson Factorization Machine
Parallelization of game theoretic centrality algorithms
Measuring network centrality using hypergraphs
Near optimal strategies for targeted marketing in social networks
Commit: A scalable approach to mining communication motifs from dynamic networks
Extended Discriminative Random Walk: A Hypergraph Approach to Multi-View Multi-Relational Transductive Learning.
CEIL: a scalable, resolution limit free approach for detecting communities in large networks.
Multi-label collective classification in multi-attribute multi-relational network data
Temporal analysis of telecom call graphs
Activity recognition for natural human robot interaction
RRTPI: Policy iteration on continuous domains using rapidly-exploring random trees
Studying Indian Railways Network using hypergraphs
Scalable Positional Analysis for Studying Evolution of Nodes in Networks
An extended reinforcement learning model of basal ganglia to understand the contributions of serotonin and dopamine in risk-based decision making, reward prediction, and punishment learning