side Pratyush Kumar

Pratyush Kumar

Assistant Professor

Cyber Physical Systems Machine Learning Real-time Scheduling

I received Bachelors and Masters of Technology in Electrical Engineering from IIT Bombay in Aug 2009. I completed my PhD in Computer Engineering from ETH Zurich in Jan 2014, under the supervision of Prof. Lothar Thiele. I was a post-doc at ETH Zurich from Jan to Dec 2014. I then spent over 2.5 years at IBM Research, Bangalore and a few months consulting for machine learning startups. I joined IIT Madras as an Assistant Professor in Mar 2018.


Feb 10, 2021
Levelling up NLP for Indian Languages
Divyanshu Kakwani , Anoop Kunchukuttan , Satish Golla , Gokul N.C , Avik Bhattacharyya , Mitesh M Khapra , Pratyush Kumar
We are working towards building a better ecosystem for Indian languages while also keeping up with the recent advancements in NLP. To this end, we are releasing IndicNLPSuite, which is a collection of various resources and models for Indian languages

6 min read
